Monday, September 30, 2013

Samsung's Curve on Life


     Although only said to be released in south korea, Samsung has revolutionized smartphones once again with the great idea of having a curved screens. Said to be released in Oct. Samsung plans on releasing a smartphone with a curved display screen. These screens will be made out of plastic so now say good-bye to crack phones and tablets. There is not much to be said by the executive about the release but there is a commercial online that speaks for itself...

     Most modern day smartphones to one extent all look the same, they have a rectangular glass screen. However these smartphones that are being made by samsung are totally out there but its innovative and smart. In the demo they showed how with a curved screen you can now extend the range of the screen. For example your phone can be lying there flat on the table case on and everything but still see your notification on the side curve of your phone.

     Another amazing possibility of a curved screen is "one uping" the definition of a phablet. Instead of just having one mega giant screen, there is the possibility of having an average size screen and another screen 5x as big rolled up inside as use of a tablet. "I will call it a 'Tabone'! ".

     As exciting as this futuristic equipment sounds, its really not. This is real and happening.... Except only in South Korea right now but, I'm sure that a US release date for something of this sort is already in discussion.

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